Languages (Mandarin)
The PYP promotes additional language learning to provide students with the opportunity to learn the host country language and build a better understanding of the community in which they live. For many students at HQIS, Chinese is also their Mother Tongue.
In our Early Years division, Chinese language is taught through the relevant context of the units of inquiry. Our primary goals of the Chinese Language learning are supporting learners to build deeper understandings of the Units of Inquiry through exploring local perspectives and develop their Chinese language communication skills. English and Chinese teachers collaborate to develop concepts in both English and Chinese as well. In the early childhood stage, language learning is developmental.
Throughout elementary school, the purpose of the Chinese language learning is to develop students’ interest in learning and improve their oral, visual and written skills in Chinese Language. We also aim to support student engagement in successful cross-cultural experiences within their international community hosted in Shanghai. In Grade 1 through Grade 5, lessons are 45 minutes each day. Students are grouped by grade level and language ability. Native Chinese speakers are placed in an advanced class given their strong prior knowledge of the language. Non-native Chinese speakers are placed in a beginner class and move through intermediate classes before joining the Native-Chinese speakers.
Contact US
218 South Yi Li Road (Close to Lanbaoshi Road)
Shanghai, China 201103
Phone: +8621 62689773 / 62682074-101 (한국어 상담 For Korean Families)