Day in the life
The Emergent Curriculum is playful, flexible and open-ended, and continues to evolve as children and teachers learn and work in it.

9:00 to 10:30 a.m.
- Multiple child-initiated play and planned learning experiences are offered Teachers promote problem solving skills and help children build their English vocabulary. Children are encouraged to use words and to label and express feelings when interacting with peers and teachers. Painting, magnets, light exploration, cooking projects and block play are all small group activities that may be offered at this time to help develop fine motor skills and promote science learning. Library books are also a favorite choice that promotes language development. Drawing, painting, play dough, and stickers are favorite activities offered that help children develop their fine motor skills. \n
Children may visit the outside play areas for running and climbing, Nursery Year 1 yoga, music and movement, and other gross motor activities. Each day is different! Teachers develop an intentional curriculum based on their observations of children’s development and interests while remaining flexible and responsive.
11:00 to 11:30 AM - Lunch is served
Children coming in from outside put their coats away, wash their hands and then sit at the table. Teachers may sing a song. During lunch, teachers talk with children about their shared morning experiences and encourage age-appropriate expectations for serving and eating in a family-style group. After they finish eating lunch, children clear their setting and wash their hands
Half-Day Enrolled Children- 12:00pm End of Day Goodbye
Teachers briefly share information about the children’s day and learning experiences and children say ‘Good-Bye’ to their teachers and friends. \n
Full Day Enrolled Children
12:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Children are diapered or use the toilet and then offered a rest period Teachers offer to pat backs and help children to calm their bodies and rest. Children who do not sleep after resting on their cots for 45 minutes are offered books, drawing materials and other quiet activities.
2:30 p.m. or as children wake up from napping
- Afternoon snack is served Fruits, crackers and yoghurt are typical afternoon snacks.
3:30 p.m. End of Day Goodbye Teachers briefly share information about the children’s day and learning experiences and children say ‘Good-Bye’ to their teachers and friends.
Contact US
218 South Yi Li Road (Close to Lanbaoshi Road)
Shanghai, China 201103
Phone: +8621 62689773 / 62682074-101 (한국어 상담 For Korean Families)