Early childhood classrooms are limited to eighteen students. Each classroom has one foreign head teacher and one Chinese teacher. The Nursery class will have another life teacher as well. Elementary School, Middle School and High School classrooms are limited to twenty-five students. Each classroom has one foreign head teacher and one Chinese teacher.
The After School Program (ASP) at HQIS is varied and enjoyable, including language enrichment programs, sports, creative arts, fun learning, dances, STEAM. We offer over 50 various programs to students age 3 to 17. It takes 3:15pm-4:15pm or 3:15pm-4:45pm. There are usually 12 classes for each program throughout one semester, which would provide the opportunities for students to supplement their interests and expand their mindset.
The parent or caregiver must send an email to your homeroom teacher and Chinese teacher, and CC admissions@hqis.org to inform the Main Office (the same as Admissions Office) if the student has to be absent due to sickness or personal reasons. It is also acceptable to call Main Office (same as Admissions Office) at 62682074-102 to ask for absence.
Any Late arrival after 8:30 (for Middle school/ High School students, it is 8:15) must sign in at the Reception through the front walking gate. The students will take the Late Arrival Slip to their classroom and give to their teachers.
All the people who walk into HQIS campus must have ID proper cards. Any parent or caregiver who doesn’t bring a ID card, please sign up at the front gate with security guard to get a visitor ID tag first and then come to the Admissions Office to check the parent/caregiver information. After confirming the parent/ caregiver, an Admissions Officer will take the parent/ caregiver to pick up the student.
For any student who needs to leave before the end of the school day, the parent must sign a Student Early Leave Form in the Main Office (same as Admissions Office). The parent will take the signed form to the teacher who will approve with signature. The students must check out at Reception and give the form to the security guard at the front walking gate.
If the student doesn’t need to take a school bus as usual, the parent/ caregiver must call Bus Service Department at 62682074-102 or send an email to busservice@hqis.org before 2:00 p.m. with detailed student information. The parent/ caregiver is required to arrange the pick-up by himself/herself if the student is misplaced on school bus due to the short notice after 2:00 p.m.
If the student does not need bus service for the next day, please call or text the bus monitor. Thanks for your cooperation.
If the student does not need bus service for the next day, please call or text the bus monitor. Thanks for your cooperation.
Please email the application and both the child’s photo and parents’ photos to admissions@hqis.org with accurate student’s information. The caregivers except the parents must fill in HQIS Caregiver ID Card From and attach ID(Chinese ID card or foreign passport) copy. HQIS Caregiver ID Card Fromis available in Admissions Office. Normally, HQIS ID Card can be picked up in Main Office within 3 days after application.
You may fill out the vehicle permit application form at the Main Office, and issue your Vehicle Permit. All the cars which drive in the campus or parking along the streets, must be labeled with HQIS vehicle permit with the from car window. Otherwise there is a chance to get a ticket. The vehicle permit can be rearranged in case of any loss or damage.
Allowed Parking Area:
Lanbaoshi Road (Manao Road- South Yili Road)
South Yili Road (Golden Street- Lanbaoshi Road)
South Yili Road (East Fugui Road- Lanbaoshi Road)
Allowed Parking Hours:
07:45 a.m.- 09:20 a.m.
11:50 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.
14:45 p.m.- 18:00 p.m.
Allowed Parking Area:
Lanbaoshi Road (Manao Road- South Yili Road)
South Yili Road (Golden Street- Lanbaoshi Road)
South Yili Road (East Fugui Road- Lanbaoshi Road)
Allowed Parking Hours:
07:45 a.m.- 09:20 a.m.
11:50 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.
14:45 p.m.- 18:00 p.m.
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